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                About Us

                About Us

                    TIREMART(QINGDAO)INC.was found in Qingdao China in the year of 2000.We are a trading co.,With strong support of technology and financing,we have established closes relationship with many tyre manufacturers in China and more than 500 customers in the world.Our main service is to help our customers to find right Chinese tyres to their market, we always check every shipment to make sure that the tyre quality, pattern and finishing are meet the customers’ requirement by ourselves .In TBR,PCR/LTR,OTR,AGRICALTURE AND INDUSTY tyre are have very good advantage to provide good products to the customers as well as off take business.
                    TIREMART attaches great importance to team building and cares about the development and growth of employees.With the development and growth of employees.With the goal of meeting customer demand constantly to create value for customers,and adhering to the win-win principle,we are committed to becoming a century enterprise that is professional,reputable and efficient.

                Our Team

                Our Team